The ECG GURU is a site for instructors who teach ECG and other cardiac topics.  It is a gathering place for teachers to share teaching materials and resources.  Materials on the site are offered free of charge, and free of copyright protection if the resources are used to teach ECG classes.  The user is asked to use these free resources to enhance their classes and improve the student experience and not to attempt to sell or market the materials.  Please give the author or artist credit when using their materials.
Work displayed on ECG Guru is protected under Creative Commons licensing to allow the above use.  Please go to the Creative Commons website to explore ways to retain copyright of your material while sharing it with others free of charge. 
 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd-nc/1.0/   Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

ECG Guru, ECG Guru, Inc., ECGGuru.com, and EKGGuru.com are trademarks of the ECG Guru, and have been such since October, 2011.


ABOUT  DAWN ALTMAN, ECG GURU Administrator and Content Creator

Dawn Altman Ecg GuruDawn Bean Altman is a nurse / paramedic who specializes in ECG education.  She has worked as an EMT in the field, and a nurse in Emergency Department, PACU, Stress Lab, and the Cardiac Cath Lab.  She also has taught paramedic and EMT students as a clinical instructor for three decades, and is well-known in southern Florida as an "ECG guru".  She insists, however, that she is not THE "ECG Guru" - the site is.  This site is made up of all the ECG gurus out there, coming together to help other teachers and students.  Dawn has also done pediatric nursing, home health nursing, and medical-legal consulting.

Dawn lives in Athens, Tennessee, with her husband, Ray, who is a retired Training Chief for a large urban fire-rescue department. They have four grown children, and many hobbies - including, but not limited to, horseback riding, bee keeping, and art.   Dawn's textbook, Introduction to ECG Interpretation, was published in 1987, but she is too scared to read it now, because she has learned so much since writing it!



ABOUT KEN GRAUER, MD, Consulting Expert and Content Creator

    Dr. Ken Grauer contributes valuable expert commentary on the ECG Guru’s content on a frequent basis, and also appears on our Ask the Expert page. He has been an essential member of the ECG Guru team since thebeginning, assuring the content of the Guru is of the highest quality.  He is a teachers’ teacher – offering valuable insight into how to teach ECG topics. Dr. Grauer is Professor Emeritus (Dept. Community Health/Family Medicine,

College of Medicine, University of Florida in Gainesville).  He has been a leading family physician educator for over 3 decades. During that time he has published (as principal author) more than 10 books and numerous study aids on the topics of ECG interpretation, cardiac arrhythmias, and ACLS (including an ongoing Educational ECG Blog). 

Dr. Grauer's perspective gained during his 35 years as a Board Certified family physician educator and clinician with expertise in cardiology is truly unique. His books have been translated into 4 languages and have sold over 500,000 copies nationwide, and he has been a presenter at more than 300 major conferences on cardiology topics for family physicians, nurses, and other primary care providers. Retired from academia and clinical practice since July, 2010 – he continues his far-reaching teaching and writing endeavors with new books, active participation on numerous cardiology-related internet sites, periodic national workshops and development of ECG Competency as a commercial on-line system for documenting ECG interpretation ability of primary care providers. 

Dr. Grauer's reputation for teaching in cardiology to diverse medical audiences is nationally acknowledged. Dr. Grauer's trademark has been the ability to simplify otherwise complicated topics into a concise, practical, and easy-to-remember format. These abilities are obvious in his books and in his    ECG Blog.    






ABOUT ANDREAS ROESCHL, MD, Contributing Expert      

Dr Andreas Roeschl

Dr. Roeschl is a cardiologist and ECG instructor from Germany.  He has practiced internal medicine and cardiology for three decades.  Dr. Roeschl has his own blog space on the Guru, where he contributes ECGs from his vast collection, along with instructive commentary.  His ECGs have been digitized so they are of the highest quality for reproduction.  Dr. Roeschl has over 20 years of experience teaching medical professionals ECG Interpretation, and in an invaluable resource to students and instructors alike.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               






ABOUT STEVEN SPENCER, Senior Developer / Software and Application EngineerSteven Spencer, ECG Guru

Graphic Web Design, Inc. | Lake Worth, Florida  Steven Spencer is the technical wizard and creative genius who made the idea of an ECG Guru website become a reality.  He has customized the function and appearance of the website to the needs of the content creators and users, and made the ECG Guru a unique resource

for ECG instructors and users world-wide. Steven is the chief designer and developer for websites and promotional media. Cultivating integrative design using content management systems tailored to specific client needs. He does custom website theming and user interfaces using HTML, PHP, MySQL, CSS, online payment features,

and form processing. He produces creative web graphics, including logos and advertisements. He makes it possible to generate email blasts, feeds, and newsletters for event announcements. He functions as project manager for all clients from planning to site launch, post live optimization, and marketing.

Visit him at: www.graphicwebdesign.com 



Please become a MEMBER.  It is free.  While anyone has access to the free downloads and information, Members may comment on the content, and may share their own materials with other instructors. You may visit this site and download files from it without telling us who you are or providing any personal information.  If you would like to comment on our content, we ask only for a screen name and valid email address to prove that you are human, so we can avoid inappropriate use of our site by spammers.  We will never send spam or sell email addresses.  If you would like to contact us, please email at our   Contact form.   and we will answer within 24 hours.  If the  Administrator wishes to send you a private message, it will be sent to the email address you supply. 

Your participation on this site indicates that you agree to the copyright rules of the site as stated above, and you agree not to put any copyrighted material, including quotes from other sources, art work, photography, or printed material on this site, unless you are the holder of the copyright and agree to release it under Creative Commons.

The ECG Guru will not address any questions regarding medical advice in any area of the site, including Ask the Expert, ECGs, and the blogs.  Only questions regarding TEACHING of ECG and cardiac topics, or about the content supplied here, will be addressed.


On this site, you will find many high-quality ECGs and illustrations that you are free to download and use for teaching purposes. Each ECG will have some information with it, including in some cases non-identifying ipatient information and ECG interpretation.  Interesting teaching points will be emphasized.   There is no attempt to completely interpret these tracings, as this material is not intended to teach, but rather to provide illustrations for teachers to use when they teach.  The interpretations provided are those of the blogger and her colleagues, and should not be construed to be error-free.  ECGs are, of course, best interpreted in the context of the clinical information available. Every attempt is made to give accurate information about the patient, if available.   However, details may be left out or altered to ensure patient anonymity.  Likewise, some of the Heart Art represents accurate depictions of anatomy, and some are artistic interpretations, representational, or even abstract art.  The materials provided on this site are provided "as is", and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied.

Please feel free to log your comments on any of our content for the benefit of others.  Remember that any feedback you provide on this site will be deemed non-confidential and may be published to the site.  The site Administrators reserve the right to refuse questionable or inappropriate comments.


The world has many ECG GURUS - this is the place to find them. 

Please communicate with us through your comments on our content, find us on FaceBook, Linked In, and email via ourContact form.



History 1929

German surgeon Werner Forssmann (1904-1979) examined the inside of his own heart by threading a catheter into his arm vein and pushing it 20 inches and into his heart.

All our content is FREE & COPYRIGHT FREE for non-commercial use

Please be courteous and leave any watermark or author attribution on content you reproduce.